Allie Hughes lives in Niagara, Ontario and spends her days in wine country. Her passion for all things wine led to education with the International Sommelier Guild. This knowledge is married with her expertise in communications which resulted in her-read more-
Somewhat disappointing on first taste with vegetal asparagus notes, but patience is rewarded. Those unhappy nuances float away into the ether once the major alcohol (14.8%) dissipates, replaced by a nose of ripe blackberries and spices—a hint of anise, perhaps.-read more-
Sommeliers-turned-winemakers: a predictable career move for restaurant wine professionals. Despite the large number of stories such as these among sommeliers, many are not vanity projects; instead, unique endeavors of true passion for a particular region or style. When Seattle sommelier-read more-
Semi-transparent red purple wine, easy to open with its modern screwcap, despite being made by the oldest winery in Slovenia which dates from 1239. Warm, inviting aroma of cooked fruit with a trace of earthiness. Medium-light body, light structure. Flavor-read more-
Does your palate say pricey French bubbly while your wallet says non? Pas de problème. Why not check out Limoux, a region in the South of France that is building a reputation for delivering scintillating sparklers that will not burst-read more-
The bottle says 14.5% alcohol. My nose and eyeballs suspect if might be well north of 15%. This is a big wine, with brawny red fruits, a bowl of mixed cherries ranging from barely ripe to nearly black and strawberries-read more-
Clear, medium-light intensity, ruby. Clean aromas of earth, moss, leaves, dirt, anise, baking spice, fennel, savory herbs, dark fruit, cherry, blackberry. Dry, medium-full body, medium tannin, medium-low acidity, fleshy, round, medium-long finish, round, lush dark fruit, smoke, brown sugar. Recommended,-read more-
Would you drink fluorescent green wine? Most molecular biologists-in-training experience their first taste of genetic engineering by transferring a jellyfish gene into (harmless) Escherichia coli, making the bacteria glow green under UV light. One slow day this past winter, my-read more-