Interesting, and reasonably priced. A few extra dollars are worth it for a next-tier-up wine. Fruits are deep black, mostly blackberry, made darker with a generous helping of unsweetened chocolate and black pepper. It also has a surprising zing of-read more-
So often it seems people rarely eat to taste. We consume food as nourishment, to rid ourselves of hunger pangs, and then it’s on to the next thing requiring our attention. However, there are some dishes that we cannot help-read more-
This wine was tasted for Open That Bottle Night 2011 on Palate Press: the online wine magazine. One always wonders if a wine of this age has anything left to impart. This does. Good high neck fill on the bottle.-read more-
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É fácil ter a impressão que só existe viticultura orgânica e biodinâmica fora de práticas convencionais, mas outros métodos estão desenvolvidos. Na Austrália, várias vinícolas optaram em só usar algumas partes dos métodos biodinâmicos e não se interessaram em ter-read more-
This wine was tasted for Open That Bottle Night 2011 on Palate Press: the online wine magazine. The cork was a little soft and I lost a couple centimeters of it to the bottle. This wine is definitely showing some-read more-
This wine was tasted for Open That Bottle Night 2011 on Palate Press: the online wine magazine. Jeff Lefevere, of Good Grape, shared this with me on Open That Bottle Night, and it was wonderful, and still very young. The-read more-
It is easy to get the impression that, apart from conventional practices, there are only two options available in viticulture: organic and biodynamic. However, there are other methods being developed. In Australia several wineries have opted to use only some-read more-