In 2010, the Chinese takeover of the fine wine investment market was big news. Premium Bordeaux futures were selling like hot cakes, particularly off the back of the 2008 vintage (the Chinese symbol for the number 8 is considered to be very auspicious), and any fine wine merchant worth his
Traditional wassails were—and still are, I suppose—seasonal hot drinks made with wine or beer, sugar, spices, eggs, and bits of toast floating on top. Today, we’re far more likely to find toasty, bready flavors in a more fashionable (and still seasonally appropriate) beverage: methode champenoise sparkling wine. How those characteristic
Enzymes are a natural and fundamental element of the winemaking process. Nowadays, they are also a commercial product found in many wineries, another utility in a winemaker’s toolkit. They have the potential to make more extracted and more aromatic wines and to accelerate the winemaking process. They also have the
Editors' note: To close 2011, Palate Press: The online wine magazine will be featuring some of our top stories from the past year. Our final piece comes from one of our newest contributos, Prateek Arora, who brought us details from India's seemingly obscure, but fast growing, world of wine business.
There are always certain stereotypical visuals that cross one’s mind upon the mention of a country’s name. Mention France and you see a guy (of course with a French beard), holding a baguette, staring blankly at the Eiffel Tower as-read more-
The oldest country in Europe is creating some of the newest wine experiences. The tide has finally turned, a distributor in the Northeastern U.S. recently told me. Finally, over the past two years he has been selling Portuguese wines to-read more-