Improving with every sip, gaining structure and depth with every extra minute of air, this is a beautiful baby that will, with time, mature into a gorgeous adult. Dark fruit (blackcurrant and mulberry) has a background of tobacco leaf and-read more-
Lovely warm nose of chocolate, violets, and blueberries, along with a hint of saffron. A bit tight at first and a tad more floral than one might expect, but it unfolds to a seamless melding of soft tannins with more-read more-
Somewhat disappointing on first taste with vegetal asparagus notes, but patience is rewarded. Those unhappy nuances float away into the ether once the major alcohol (14.8%) dissipates, replaced by a nose of ripe blackberries and spices—a hint of anise, perhaps.-read more-
What an elegant bottle, clear and stylishly designed! When opened, the aromas are lightly herby, grassy and floral. The wine has a medium body, with a touch of honey on the end palate. The flavors are a bit more round-read more-
The kind of wine you either love or hate – I loved it, and the person with whom I was drinking it disliked it. This is a big, muscular Napa Cabernet on steroids (14.8% alc.) that needs at least a-read more-
酒庄主是一位在纳帕谷的重要人士,也是另一家更高端的Quintessa酒庄主的堂兄弟。这款酒闻起来有黑莓,桉树,大地的味道。丰富的口感似乎是由众多种味道融为而成:黑葡萄干,可可/巧克力,甚至一些南瓜派混合香料的触感。有水果味,但是单宁略微有些重,且酒有点“热“(14.5%酒精度)使它看起来有点不够平衡。一个给力的中等长度的余味还略带甜味。总之相比起来在纳帕其他较为昂贵的邻居来说这是一款相当不错的酒,可以尝试架烤牛排和它搭配。极力推荐。 标签:2006年,美乐,品丽珠,赤霞珠,加利福尼亚州,浮士德,Faust,马尔贝克,纳帕谷,小味儿多,Quintessa,红葡萄酒,酒评,酒
起初,你注意到樱桃覆盆子的香味,伴随着浓郁的甜水果香,甚至有焦糖的味道。单宁不是很明显,如果只是单纯喝酒的话,你会体会到相当悠长的难以忘怀的回味。但如果有佐餐相伴,它变得更加平衡,而且甜味不那么明显,杯中的酒下肚似乎只是时间的问题。试着与一些味道不太重的食物搭配,例如番茄酱通心粉一类的。推荐级别。 标签:2006,赤霞珠,加利福尼亚州,路易米马提尼,梅鹿辄,纳帕谷,小味儿多,红葡萄酒,西拉,酒评,葡萄酒
Clear, vibrant yellow straw appearance. Green apple, tropical fruit, vanilla, hint of coconut on the nose. Citrus, pineapple, peach flavors. Good mid-palate and lingering acidity at finish. Restrained use of oak. Good balance. Pairing mine tonight with my seasonal favorite-read more-