The faltering U.S. economy of 2009 has led some wine drinkers to consume with an eye toward value, though some economic experts seem to believe the worst is behind us. They say we should soon see a gradual improvement in-read more-
This past June, I had the good fortune of attending the Wine Bloggers’ Conference in Walla Walla, WA. Now in its third year, this conference brings together the best and brightest from the wine blogosphere as well as many industry-read more-
Every new Internet development comes with a hyperventilating promise to change the way a winery does business by revolutionizing how it interfaces with its customers by creating a new type of community around the brand. Yet, these innovations rarely become-read more-
Social media has become one of the most used buzzwords of the last several years—along with Google (as a verb), subprime, death panels, friend, un-friend, tweet, and of course, blog. Wine has its own set of buzzwords, of course, from-read more-
As a part-time manager of a wine retail shop in British Columbia, and a full-time marketer, I’m bringing a level of analysis to our business that is treading new ground at the small, independent store level in wine retail while-read more-
Can social media affect human behavior? This was a question posed to me at the Social Media Cafe in Barcelona by Steve Lawson. Steve promotes Amplified, which is a project, co-funded by NESTA (the National Endowment for Science, Technology and-read more-