I'm impressed. The immediate offering was an inviting bouquet of cloves, cherry and a bit of baked pie crust. After about an hour, the oak and brown sugar layer nicely with a slightly toasty finish, far more subtlety than I-read more-
I'm impressed. The immediate offering was an inviting bouquet of cloves, cherry and a bit of baked pie crust. After about an hour, the oak and brown sugar layer nicely with a slightly toasty finish, far more subtlety than I-read more-
On the nose I got spice, pepper, black fruit, pepper, black plum, black currants, black cherry, earth, raisins, peppers, and chocolate. I thought the nose was fruity and very very peppery. As it sat in my glass, more layers appeared.-read more-
This medium-bodied bottle of wine delivered with plenty of ripe fruit. But it wasn't nearly as jammy or plummy as I had expected; instead, it was juicy with dark berries, cassis and yummy pepper. The finish, while not terribly long,-read more-
The weather has turned warm here in the Bay Area, and we're getting treated to our annual Indian Summer. This is one of my favorite times of year, when I can wear a t-shirt with no sweater, I can sit-read more-
Many of us dream of moving to California, buying some property, planting some vines, and turning our grapes into fabulous wine. But if you aren't quite ready to invest a small fortune, there are a variety of alternatives for the-read more-
One is an industry titan, with a successful family line of 11 generations running the show. The other is a relative newcomer, only coming into the industry a little over 50 years ago. Upstart Eisch launched its Breathable Glassware line-read more-
Return with us now to those thrilling days of yesteryear. From out of the past come the thundering hoof beats of the great horse, Silver! The Lone Ranger rides again! Uh, make that the thundering hoof beats of generic red-read more-