The nose was a little shy, showing some yeasty aromas. The palate was far more interesting, offering up red fruits, cherry and raspberry, with brioche on the finish. Drink with smoked duck and brie. Recommended. WHO: Argyle Winery WHAT: Pinot-read more-
This sparkler opening with loads of apples of every kind. On the palate apples were also prevalent, along with buttered brioche, turning to caramel as it moved to the finish. It has 1.2% residual sugar and a fine backbone of-read more-
Co-ops are usually the volume-first, quality-second institutions of the wine world. Not so with Produttori del Barbaresco, a group of 19 producers in the Barbaresco appellation who work together to produce some of the best wines in all of Piedmont,-read more-
Co-ops are usually the volume-first, quality-second institutions of the wine world. Not so with Produttori del Barbaresco, a group of 19 producers in the Barbaresco appellation who work together to produce some of the best wines in all of Piedmont,-read more-
2006 was a truly exceptional season in the Okanagan Valley, with one of the earliest starts to harvest and a long back season to leave grapes hanging and gaining ripeness and complexity. The 2006 S.L.C. (Single Lot Collection) Merlot from-read more-
You know how you’re supposed to open the best wine first? Well, this happened to be the second bottle I opened for dinner, after a Merlot from another country turned out to be very lackluster. I poured this one, sniffed,-read more-
酒庄主是一位在纳帕谷的重要人士,也是另一家更高端的Quintessa酒庄主的堂兄弟。这款酒闻起来有黑莓,桉树,大地的味道。丰富的口感似乎是由众多种味道融为而成:黑葡萄干,可可/巧克力,甚至一些南瓜派混合香料的触感。有水果味,但是单宁略微有些重,且酒有点“热“(14.5%酒精度)使它看起来有点不够平衡。一个给力的中等长度的余味还略带甜味。总之相比起来在纳帕其他较为昂贵的邻居来说这是一款相当不错的酒,可以尝试架烤牛排和它搭配。极力推荐。 标签:2006年,美乐,品丽珠,赤霞珠,加利福尼亚州,浮士德,Faust,马尔贝克,纳帕谷,小味儿多,Quintessa,红葡萄酒,酒评,酒
2009年,智利考克内斯(Cauquenes)地区遭受了可怕的地震,倒也成就了一段和地震有关的“风土”故事。这次地震在那里造成了重大的破坏,自然当地的酒厂也不能幸免。很多的橡木桶被散落异处。酿酒师巴蒂斯特屈弗利耶(Baptiste Cuvelier)拾起这些依旧幸存的酒桶,混合放入了同样尚存的葡萄酒,但结果却是产生了惊人的好酒。所有的葡萄在这里都是被公平贸易并且是有机生长。葡萄酒中柔和的单宁和清爽的果酸像是在你的舌尖偏偏起舞般跳跃,这样平衡的酒体的注定了是可以被存放在酒窖里陈年的好酒。辛辣的黑胡椒及肉桂香味的酒体更加醇厚,还夹杂着丰富的黑色和红色水果味,如黑加仑,桑椹,和树莓在一起,还有一丝烟叶和咖啡的味道。它还有一个非常有趣的薄荷味,如同一块没有巧克力的安第斯牌(Andes)薄荷巧克力。橡木中的香草味道在中期的口感得以显现。单宁相当柔美,以及很长的余味。这是一个出乎意料的好葡萄酒,同时又铭刻着那段令人伤痛的往事,这款酒的部分收益将返还给仍然在恢复中的地震灾区。只是有酒相伴味道足以鲜美。极力推荐。 标签:2006, Baptiste Cuvelier,赤霞珠,佳利酿,美娜,考克内斯,智利,Chile Maule,Cinsaut,地震,梅鹿辄,派斯,混合型红酒,红葡萄酒,酒评,酒