There are very few people in the world of wine blogging as well respected as Jeff Lefevere, and very few sites as honored as Good Grape. Recognition from Good Grape in Jeff’s 2010 Best of Wine Online Awards is an honor we accept humbly and with great appreciation.
Jeff awarded Palate Press the Philanthropist of the Year Award for our Wine for Haiti project. Good Grape made a point to mention Lenn Thompson and New York Cork Report‘s amazing work with New York wineries. Good job, Lenn, and the recognition is well deserved. The Australian site, Boozemonkey, jumped on board and matched us bottle for bottle.
We could not have done it without the astounding generosity of the entire wine world, from wine growers to consumers. At a time when money is tight for everybody, and the wine market in incredible flux, people pulled from their cellars and their wallets. Everybody who contributed or participated earned a piece of this recognition.
Thank you all.
David Honig
Palate Press: The online wine magazine