You might think sake only works with sushi or other Japanese cuisine -- it's a common misperception. But don't be fooled: Sake is such a diverse beverage that it can pair with almost any dish. Nihonshu wa ryori wo erabanai.-read more-
If you were visiting the rich agricultural community of Walla Walla and were told, "visit the incubators" on Piper Avenue at the Walla Walla Regional Airport and Industrial Park, you would typically think of a controlled environment that is hatching-read more-
By a fortuitous quirk of nature an ISO wine glass fits snugly into my 10 ½ sized brogues. It might cause a frisson of comment when extracting said glass from said shoe on the 11:03 TGV from Paris to Irun-read more-
Wine consumers and trade alike remain very interested in the wine and sulfites discussion. There have been many online articles and blog posts in the past year dedicated to this issue. "Sulfites in wine" is often the number one search-read more-
By now, the effect of “expert” opinion on runaway consumer spending has washed away in the flood waters of billion dollar Ponzi schemes and predatory lending. Now, all of the lip service in the world from talking heads about “recovery”-read more-
With 2009 being one of the better vintages of the past half century in Beaujolais, ironically its not necessarily a top year for Beaujolais Nouveau, especially if youve gotten used to a fruit juice-y style Nouveau. The 2009 Beaujolais wines-read more-
The more one delves into the subject of wine and food pairing, the more frequently one finds conflicting recommendations. Optimal (and yes, even ideal) wine and food pairings are not just a matter of culinary heritage. There is real science-read more-
Long considered the blue-collar workhorse of the winemaking process, operating sub rosa, yeasts have recently taken center stage in many conversations about wine and the desire to emphasize the expression of vineyard apart from human and technological influence. At the-read more-