I’m starting to think that maybe law isn’t my thing. This worries me. I had dragged myself through three years of college pre-med before I realized doctors don’t get Cs and Ds in organic chemistry. So I landed in law-read more-
Close your eyes and imagine a magical land where the sun is bright, the air is fresh and mild—even in winter—and the hills are stitched with vineyards and olive, almond, and cherry orchards. Now imagine this beauty reflected in the-read more-
Most Riesling connoisseurs have long considered Germany, specifically the Mosel Valley, as the varietal’s rightful throne. This is probably still true. The Mosel Valley’s unique, steep slopes of sun-absorbing slate have allowed the cool climate of Central-Western Germany to create ideal-read more-
I run with a cooking crowd. My friends make their own sushi, consider ile flottante and crème brûlée to be comfort foods, wax rhapsodic about the merits of artisanal cheeses, and subscribe to magazines like Saveur and Cook’s Illustrated. We-read more-
We live in a culture that is gradually elevating a single virtue above all others: efficiency. And why not, after all? What could possibly be wrong with efficiency? Given the choice, isn’t it better to do something more quickly, more-read more-
Everybody here at Palate Press: The online wine magazine would like to thank the entire wine community for participating in our Wine for Haiti project. Through your generous contributions we were able to raise $17,760 for the American Red Cross Haiti Relief-read more-
Living in Boston has taught me to be suspicious of cowardly March. As winter paws at its heels and spring serenades its sights, March lingers in spells of indecision. Wavers between days that boast sunshine and sweater-shedding warmth, and others-read more-
Wine writer W. Blake Gray is a member of the Editorial Board and a Contributing Editor for Palate Press. He is Chairman of the Electoral College of the Vintners Hall of Fame. Previously wine writer/editor for the San Francisco Chronicle,-read more-