Social media has become one of the most used buzzwords of the last several years—along with Google (as a verb), subprime, death panels, friend, un-friend, tweet, and of course, blog. Wine has its own set of buzzwords, of course, from-read more-
Quevedo is a family brand producing quality Port from vineyards they have owned for more than one hundred years. PALATE PRESS: The Online Wine Magazine asked Oscar Quevedo about their recent decisions to export their wines and to build their-read more-
"Second city" tours and "unprecedented access" are the keys and keywords employed by high-profile Italian winemakers to meet the challenges of a tough market. Gaia Gaja, judged a team-building cooking competition in which her new "brand ambassadors" learned how to-read more-
2007 Domdechant Werner Riesling Classic – Rheingau, Germany I wish this was the first Riesling I ever tasted: I would have fallen in love with the grape immediately. Incredibly easy to drink, perfectly balanced, a hint of sugar offsetting wonderful-read more-
When people think of Malbec, they're unlikely to associate it with the words “subtle,” “delicate,” or “floral.” The Argentines have made their version into a powerful, tannic, intense drink, and Cahors still refers to its Malbec as “black wine.” If-read more-
I’ve covered the wine industry for a decade, but always from the business end. Facts, figures, and farming trends? Yes. Distinguish a Pinotage from a Pinot noir? Not so much. So I didn’t hesitate when I recently had the chance-read more-
Once upon a time, a beautiful princess lived in a majestic castle. The castle was situated high above a quaint village and was surrounded by lush, rolling hills and bright green vineyards. The princess’s name was Imperatrice, and she was-read more-
When was the last time you read a wine tasting note and found the comment: “This wine pairs great with artichokes, tomatoes, and rice!”? Most of us would likely agree that suggestions like this are few and far between. There-read more-