Purple teeth and lips may bring a knowing grin to regular wine drinkers but your dentist won't consider it something to smile about. Photo courtesy of Yashima via Flickr Creative Commons 2.0 Attribution license Acid is a tooth’s biggest foe-read more-
In preparation for Open That Bottle Night (live, only on Palate Press; Saturday, February 26 from 7 pm - 10 pm EST), contributing editor Erika Szymanski shares some thoughts on the bottle she plans to open for the event. When: February-read more-
In preparation for Open That Bottle Night (live, only on Palate Press; Saturday, February 26 from 7 pm - 10 pm EST), contributor Tom Johnson shares some thoughts on the bottle he plans to open for the event. Our two sons-read more-
My late grandfather spent the last decade of his life solving crosswords and drinking wine. It’s been 15 years since he was with us. But I can still vividly recall his passion for both words and a bicchiere of dark-read more-
“It is not an easy task to unring a bell, nor to remove from the mind an impression once firmly imprinted there….” – Chief Justice Thomas McBridge, Oregon Supreme Court, 1912 I recently took issue with Remy Charest’s twitter quip-read more-
Red Rhône blend. Dark red/purple color. Nose of blueberry, black fruit, touch of smoke, and meat. Bright red berry fruit on the palate. There are times when I want something layered and complex, to pull apart and mull over. Other-read more-
In preparation for Open That Bottle Night (live, only on Palate Press; Saturday, February 26 from 7 pm - 10 pm EST), contributing editor Joe Pollack shares some thoughts on the bottle he plans to open for the event. I saved-read more-
Green, rough, bitter—for a hard-working grape, carignan shoulders an awful lot of insults. And it’s true the prolific variety, traditionally used in reds from France’s Languedoc region, has produced a lot of undistinguished wine. But lately, carignan has been coming-read more-