The US is Italy’s number one export nation—and the Italians want to keep it that way. In many European countries wine consumption is declining, while in the US per capita wine consumption has gone up 25 percent in the past-read more-
There’s a reason that the Italian Trade Commission has held an annual wine fair in New York since 2009. Imports of Italian wines to these shores have increased enough that in 2010 Italy surpassed France to reach a market share-read more-
Clear, bright, medium-plus lemon yellow with green tinges. Clean, medium intensity aromatics, citrus (lemon, lime, pithy), stone fruit (peach pit), melon, green apple, wet rocks. Dry, medium body, medium-plus to high acidity, medium alcohol, green apple skin, peach pit, lime-read more-
Contributing editor Joe Pollack shares some thoughts about his experience opening a cherished bottle for this year's Open That Bottle Night. One of the great things about opening a bottle of not-so-good wine is that there's always the opportunity to-read more-
This year we are celebrating our 7th Open That Bottle Night. OTBN starts early in Antarctica, since we need to remember our special bottles when we arrive on the seventh continent, usually in September through December. Then our OTBN stash-read more-
So often it seems people rarely eat to taste. We consume food as nourishment, to rid ourselves of hunger pangs, and then it’s on to the next thing requiring our attention. However, there are some dishes that we cannot help-read more-
This wine was tasted for Open That Bottle Night 2011 on Palate Press: the online wine magazine. One always wonders if a wine of this age has anything left to impart. This does. Good high neck fill on the bottle.-read more-
É fácil ter a impressão que só existe viticultura orgânica e biodinâmica fora de práticas convencionais, mas outros métodos estão desenvolvidos. Na Austrália, várias vinícolas optaram em só usar algumas partes dos métodos biodinâmicos e não se interessaram em ter-read more-