Kyle McNichols graduated from UC Santa Barbara with a degree in English and Art History. Her studies also include time at Cambridge University, but short of picking up phrases like "cheers" and an affinity for "a good curry," the experience was more-read more-
Arianna snacks, sups, sips and swallows - and lives to write about it. Always hungry for food adventures, she stays thirsty for wine and the occasional quality cocktail, as well. When she isn’t buried in her laptop or chasing after-read more-
Katie can’t pinpoint the moment at which she fell in love with wine—she just has, for as long as she can remember. Fortunately she found a way to professionally integrate her passions for wine, food, and travel with her overactive-read more-
Jonathan Wilson graduated from the Canadian Association of Professional Sommeliers in 2009 and was the recipient of the Kent Clarke Award for top graduating student. He possesses a Level 3 Advanced Certificate in Wines & Spirits from the Wine and-read more-
Julia Burke lives, writes, and attempts to make her own wine in the Niagara USA wine region, where she has been involved with local wineries since 2008. She covers her other passions, craft beer and South African wine, as Beer-read more-
Tom Lynch is the Co-Founder with his teenage daughter of Isipho, a non-profit which helps establish sustainable food gardens in poor, rural South Africa, and is the founder of Worthwhile Wine Company, an importer of great, sustainably made South African-read more-
A chemist by training and a wine enthusiast at heart. Adrienne currently writes about wine for Examiner trying to make wine more approachable and enjoyable for everyone. She spends most of her time researching and writing about wine trends, while enjoying-read more-