Almost deceptively light at first in its aromas and flavors. Very elegant wine, benefits from being opened for a while to round out the flavors. Moderate alcohol (13.5%). Later, it remains ethereal: a suggestion of smoke in the aroma, then-read more-
An aroma of fresh fields, herbs and wildflowers. A light-medium body, smooth on the tongue, with a touch of spice. Nicely balanced with a sizeable finish. And only 13% alcohol. WHO: Olivier Leflaive WHAT: Chardonnay WHERE: Chablis AOC, Burgundy, France-read more-
Having visited Burgundy in the summer of this “difficult year”–rainy and cold; wore all my sweaters plus raincoat every day–I was curious to see what had been produced in Chablis. This wine has a sweet, fruity nose with a hint-read more-
A lightly earthy aroma, more grape than tropical fruit. On the tongue, a touch of sweet fruit, with fruit in the finish too, along with some light, citric acidity. Pleasantly easy to drink. Asks for smoked seafood! Low alcohol at-read more-
When people who don't love sweet wines ask for more, you know this is a particularly great vintage – and I’ve had this wine several times before. A floral hint wafts up at first. Early sips are orange, apricot and-read more-
Light aromas with Coutet's typical pineapple predominating, then opening in this big, mature wine. Balance overlays sweetness. It holds its own with cake and enhances blue cheese. WHO: Château Coutet WHAT: Semillon and Sauvignon Blanc WHERE: Sauternes-Barsac, Appellation Barsac Controlée-read more-
Last Thanksgiving, wine producer Andy Quady enjoyed a recipe he’d recommended in a recent email blast. His daughter’s boyfriend had made it—a squash pie with a little of his dessert wine Essensia (instead of a spirit) mixed into the custard-read more-
Billed as the largest Italian wine conference outside of Italy, VINO2010, held February 2–5 in New York City, drew hundreds of people in the wine and food sector from across the US: wine buyers and distributors, retailers and restaurateurs, and-read more-