起初,你注意到樱桃覆盆子的香味,伴随着浓郁的甜水果香,甚至有焦糖的味道。单宁不是很明显,如果只是单纯喝酒的话,你会体会到相当悠长的难以忘怀的回味。但如果有佐餐相伴,它变得更加平衡,而且甜味不那么明显,杯中的酒下肚似乎只是时间的问题。试着与一些味道不太重的食物搭配,例如番茄酱通心粉一类的。推荐级别。 标签:2006,赤霞珠,加利福尼亚州,路易米马提尼,梅鹿辄,纳帕谷,小味儿多,红葡萄酒,西拉,酒评,葡萄酒
Before we began the day with our formal tasting, we all trooped over to Château Cheval Blanc. It was, as usual, a media circus with the top wine critics from around the world shooting interviews with each other and with-read more-
Becky Sue Epstein is back in Bordeaux, for the annual en primeur tastings. She continues her live coverage from France here. On the second day of the quest for 2010 bordeaux, we all headed over to taste the wines of-read more-
Found this 2005 forgotten in the basement and brought it up for dinner tonight. What a great surprise! It was a bit warm but I twisted open the screwcap and sweet grass and herbs wafted out. The aromas persisted upon-read more-
Becky Sue Epstein is back in Bordeaux, for the annual en primeur tastings. She continues her live coverage from France here. It has begun. The criss-crossing of Bordeaux by hundreds of journalists and thousands of buyers, swirling, sniffing, sipping and-read more-
Becky Sue Epstein is back in Bordeaux, for the annual en primeur tastings. Before the Union des Grands Crus tastings started on Monday, she put in a hefty amount of time amongst the other red wines of Bordeaux. Here’s what-read more-
At first, you notice cherry raspberry aromas, with darker sweet fruit in the flavors—even caramelized fruit. Not much tannin apparent, when drinking the wine on its own, and an unmemorable finish. But with food, it becomes more balanced, less sweet:-read more-
Having received a floor model of the Aromaster wine aromas kit from the manufacturer, I played with it a bit at first, and now I’m enjoying delving into it more intensely. The Aromaster kit is a collection of 80 little-read more-