Golden-hued, lush, herbal and earthy notes in aroma deepening into a huge, huge meaty wine. With enough acidity too, this Riesling really stood up to a hearty meal with Jarlsberg and turkey. (Sample tasted at home.) WHO Weingut Johann Donabaum-read more-
Break-ups are tough: rampant emotional swings, loss of appetite, dividing up stuff and friends, figuring out how to move on. I’ve been dealing with all of that in the past few weeks, but in my case, the list includes one-read more-
La Stella Vivace is a fine example of the Okanagan coming through in the grape. Grown sustainably and organically, the Vivace is crisp and refreshing with citrus and green pears on the nose. The palate reveals a touch more citrus,-read more-
With but one thin page left on the calendar, media of all sorts are chiming in with “Best of 2009” and “The Year in _____” lists. With respect to wine, that means it’s time for Top 100 lists. This year,-read more-
Ottimino's Zinfinity comes after establishing a reputation for Zin. The wine has a dark fruit with vanilla hint taste with plenty of 20 months in French Oak for pretty big tannins on the finish. The alcohol is a suprisingly low 13.9 percent. A-read more-
The many storied wine regions of Northern California experienced a harvest this year that was in one way, ideal and in another quite anxiety-inducing. Fruit growth was delayed this year by a cooler spring and summer, but the overall temperatures-read more-
It was the wine of choice at the marriage of Eleanor of Aquitaine with Henry II of England. Pope John XXII made it his sacramental wine as well as his every day table wine. Peter the Great drank it before all other-read more-
Don Lange was the fourth vinter in America to work with Pinot Gris and he consistently produces a great white wine. He does this Pinot Gris Reserve and a Pinot Gris that sells for $16. The Reserve has great hints-read more-