If only it were so simple, to cruise through life smelling roses; but the obstacles blacken the countryside, and we unwittingly crush them beneath our boots. -- author unknown Wine lovers can be forgiven if they interpret this verse to-read more-
This bottle is lavishly decorated with gold and red, evoking fin-de-siècle luxury. The wine itself is a medium golden orange-pink. At first I couldn’t even budge the cork – how embarrassing. But with a few minutes at room temperature the-read more-
A new world Chardonnay that an old world aficionado can love, especially at this price. Well balanced aromas and flavors. Some fruit but layered on top of Chardonnay's own varietal characteristics, and a nice, finish, too. (Not masked by vanilla-read more-
This is a very nice bottle of wine. Fruits are subtle, showing pears, white grapefruit pith, and lemon, and an all over minerality reminiscent of licking limestone fifty feet from an ocean shoreline. Acidity is very bright. A toasty richness-read more-
“I do like those bigger, lustier Pinots. I know some people around here spike ‘em with Syrah. Maybe I got seduced by them.” –Rex Pickett, author of Sideways and Vertical, in a Palate Press interview “Some wineries add a dash-read more-
An elegant offering from Washington’s Columbia Valley. Alcohol on the nose (14.5%) initially obscures the lovely treats underneath of cedar, anise, and fresh leather. Crisp on the palate, soft tannins, and expressive flavors of dark cherry and blackcurrant. At first-read more-
What's the most delicious way you can contribute to Japan's recovery from the triple whammy of earthquake, tsunami and nuclear crisis? Drink sake. Japanese sake, of course, but that's where all the good stuff is from. Japan's sake industry is-read more-
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