I was born and raised in Harvard, Illinois, a land of Manhattans, Pabst beer and Friday-night fish fries — wine was unknown. However, during a college semester spent studying in Europe I discovered wine and fine food, and there was-read more-
A Los Angeles resident for nearly a decade, Erin works in the E-Commerce department at Wally’s Wine and Spirits, Zagat’s #1-rated Los Angeles wine retailer. A veritable woman-about-town and lover of libations, Erin keeps up with the L.A. and Pasadena-read more-
ANN LEMONS began life as a picky eater in a world where sour cream and fresh blueberries didn't exist, and pizza was only available in the next county. She's spent much of her time making up for that loss. She's-read more-
Michelle Lentz is a freelance writer based in Cincinnati, OH. She runs Write Technology (http://www.write-tech.com), where she offers classes on social media and helps people establish their personal brands online. She also speaks regularly at national conferences on integrating social-read more-
Louis Calli has been involved in the wine industry for over a decade in several capacities. He currently works as a Wine Director for 21st Amendment Wine and Spirits located in Indianapolis Indiana. He has authored several wine lists and-read more-
Ward is the West Coast Ambassador & Staff Blogger for WineLog.net. He will try any and all wines and tends to write about the parts of his life that include wine...like virtually all of it! He and his wife grew up-read more-
Howard Hewitt writes an every other week newspaper column about wines under $25 and feature education aspects for the novice wine drinker. He posts those columns to the blog titled "Grape Sense." Howard writes on "Grape Sense - A Glass Half Full"-read more-