The nose is very deep, rich with figs and espresso, with a background of cedar. The nose was only a hint of the depth of the palate. It opens with blackberries and black pepper, then opens broadly to add licorice, coffee, unsweetened chocolate, and sweeter blueberry. The wine is well-structured,
The color is very pale yellow with a caramel tinge, bubbles are small and moderately active. The nose is lovely, deep with an underlying umami richness beneath fresh pears and apples. On the palate tart apples take the lead, driven as much by bright acids as apple flavors. The apple
Cognac, the village and the AOC, is a quiet pastoral place. The village bustles at times, but primarily as a business hub and central marketplace for a largely rural community and only secondarily, it seems, as the world center for a unique iconic style of spirit. Outside of a relatively
Very pale in color, with a slight gold-green tint, and a tiny splash of bubbles that disappear immediately. The nose is a bit shy, as if two blocks away somebody cut the front yard and caught half a lemon in the mower blades. On the palate it is all citrus
The nose is very deep, rich with figs and espresso, with a background of cedar. The nose was only a hint of the depth of the palate. It opens with blackberries and black pepper, then opens broadly to add licorice, coffee, unsweetened chocolate, and sweeter blueberry. The wine is well-structured,
“It was the 1995 Soldera [Brunello] that did it,” laughs Jan Hendrik Erbach, co-owner of Pian‘dell Orino in Montalcino with wife Caroline Pobitzer. A rustically attractive man with the charisma of a TV talk show host and the Einstein-like brain of crack geologist, Jan’s passion for terroir is easily conveyed
A nice vin de pays from a somewhat overlooked area of Languedoc. (If there was a vintage on this either it was invisible or the vintage sticker fell off.) This cab franc exhibits dark purple color, and is somewhat jammy on the nose, with elements of earth and pepper. Solid
Has this ever happened to you? It’s Friday evening, the end of a long, hard week. That morning you’d grabbed some meat from the freezer to thaw for dinner—let’s say bone-in chicken breasts. On the way home from work, you picked up some broccoli, a ripe red bell pepper, some