The exciting news about the 2013 Napa Valley wine grape vintage is … that it was pretty darned dull. No killer frosts struck in the spring to menace tender new shoots. No monster heat waves mauled the ripening grapes in the summer. And even the labor shortage that growers had
Friends Josh Phelps and Carlo Trinchero had the idea to go into business together during Trinchero’s senior year of college. “Josh and I stayed in touch and simultaneously began getting into the wine business on our own. We both had that entrepreneurial spirit and wanted to start young and see
I used to make lousy cocktails. Not anymore. I didn't go to a bartending class. Instead, I just paid attention to what good bartenders do, and took a few simple steps. Now I'm going to share. This is not going to be a cocktail geek piece. These are things anyone
You love wine – you love Piedmont, right? Home not only to regal Barolo & Barbaresco, but also to the more accessible (and frequently more attractively priced) Barbera D'Asti and Barbera Monferrato – not to mention charming Moscato D'Asti and Asti. But there's so much more to be had of
Ever tasted a boysenberry? What about cat pee? Can you easily discern Irish breakfast tea from English breakfast tea? And do you ever drink kirsch, the brandy made from sour cherries? If you're anything like me, your answer to all these questions is "no." Yet descriptors like these fill the
[box] (and why electronic tongues are cool, but insufficient)[/box] Proteins in saliva bind tannins. Tannins are molecules responsible for astringency (and some bitterness) in red wine. When tannins bind with salivary proteins, which ordinarily keep your mouth feeling nice and slippery, your saliva becomes less viscous – dry-feeling – while
To many, Australia is the producer of bold shiraz, fruity chardonnay and soft-drinking blends. Which is totally understandable when internationally, not much else features on the shelves. However, even some Australians are still oblivious to the fact that Australia is producing some exceedingly good wines from varietals that have only
On a wind-swept April afternoon, Jonathan Sack paused for a moment to stare at the waves lapping against the limestone cliff below. The mistral was blowing, as it often does in the seaside town of Cassis, tucked tight against the Mediterranean. At 36 years old, Sack had come home to